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Do You Need a Pelvic Ultrasound and MRI to Diagnose Fibroids

The initial diagnostic tool, besides a physical examination and taking a good history from a patient, for fibroids is typically an abdominal pelvic ultrasound. Once the uterine fibroid diagnosis is made, depending on what treatment option the patient is opting for, an MRI is typically required for the Uterine Artery Embolization procedure. There are several reasons for this, primarily to confirm that these fibroids are active. If the fibroids are currently not active, then performing a uterine artery embolization procedure would really not necessarily be helpful or beneficial for these patients. Additionally, the ability to see the morphology or what the fibroid looks like ensures that there are no suspicions that there may be some other underlying disease. If somebody’s having a hysterectomy, undergoing an MRI may not be as important. Learn more at

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